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Mural decoration

Calvary / Saint Stephen

  • Fresco painting
  • 192 x 330 x 3 cm / 140 x 330 x 3 cm / 150 x 118 x 3 cm / 121 x 190 x 3 cm
  • Third quarter of the 14th century
  • Origin: church of Sant Miquel, Cardona (El Bages)

MDCS 5. 1-4

These mural paintings depicting Calvary and scenes from the life of Saint Stephen are remnants of a large pictorial series from the parish church of Sant Miquel de Cardona. The Calvary scene, partially defaced, is framed on one side by the eagle of Saint John. The figure of Christ on the cross is accompanied by angels collecting the blood that pours from the wounds on His hands. At the foot of the cross is Longinus, the Centurion, with the inscription: “vere filius erat iste”, and three soldiers. The typical figures of the Virgin Mary, Saint John and the Holy women have not survived.

The scenes from the life of Saint Stephen that have survived are: the stoning, the saint wearing a dalmatic, the delivery of the Saint’s soul to the Creator, the burial and the discovery of the sepulchre.

An angel bearing a heraldic shield has also been conserved.

The style of these paintings dates from the end of the linear Gothic period, around the third quarter of the 14th century.

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