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20. 1-14
20. 1-14
20. 1-14

20. 1-14


Altarpiece (fragments)

The betrothal of Mary and Joseph

  • Pere Serra
  • Tempera on wood
  • Various
  • 1385-1392
  • Origin: church of Sant Pere de la Curullada, Granyanella (La Segarra)

MDCS 20. 1-14

The fragments on display in the room are the remains of a large altarpiece cut up at the end of the 19th century and taken from the church of Sant Pere de la Curullada. It is a work of extraordinary quality, unanimously attributed to Pere Serra. The conserved fragments are the scenes of the marriage ceremony of the Virgin Mary, the appearance of Christ to the Apostles, the imprisonment, Jesus before Pilate, the Calvary and the Transfiguration.

Its restoration in 1990 has allowed us to appreciate the mastery of Pere Serra in his use of colour to create spaces and volumes in the figures. The work can be placed at the high point of the painter’s artistic maturity.

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