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Historiated column. Joseph and Mary

  • Attributed to the workshop of Gilabert de Tolosa
  •  Stone sculpture
  •  116 x 28 x 28 cm
  •  Between 1161 and 1195
  • Origin: cloister of the Cathedral of Santa Maria, Solsona (El Solsonès)

MDCS 141

The shaft and capital are made from a single piece. The uniqueness of this historiated column lies in the two characters represented on it: the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph. A similar case of human figuration on the columns of a cloister is that of Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges. In the latter case, the four evangelists are represented. The column features a stylisation of the bodies covering the entire shaft of the column, whose heads are framed under the leaves of the capital.

It forms part of the school of master Gilabert of Tolosa. With the reform of the cloisters, leading to the disappearance of almost all the Romanesque works in the mid-18th century, this object ended up at Turó de Sant Magí, near the seminary in Solsona, where it was recovered along with others from the same series and brought to the museum.