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  • Pottery
  • 12,2 x 12,3 Ø cm
  • Chalcolithic
  • Origin: Cova d’Aigües Vives. Brics, Olius (el Solsonès)

MDCS 1936

A reconstructed vase made from around twenty fragments, representing about 35% of the original object. It has an outward-flaring rim, rounded lip, and a flat base. The decoration consists of geometric dot patterns, with five horizontal bands of two lines of isosceles triangles, one inverted and the other pointing upwards. The decoration was achieved through ink printing.

Regarding Serra Vilaró’s restoration (1923), the author explains that the well-drawn and painted white decoration is his own work, intended to highlight the ornamental motif. The Cova d’Aigües Vives is a collective burial cave.


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