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19. 1-2
19. 1-2

19. 1-2



Annunciation and Baptism

  • Pere Vall
  • Tempera on panel
  • 111 x 82 x 8 cm (Baptism)
  • 111 x 81.5 x 9 cm (Annunciation)
  • Between 1405 and 1415
  • Origin: church of Sant Miquel, Cardona (El Bages)

MDCS 19. 1-2

These two panels depicting the Annunciation and the Baptism of Christ are the only ones to survive from a lost altarpiece of Cardona. They came to the museum following the purchase of the unique nineteenth-century collection of salt objects of Fr. Riba.

Both are the work of Pere Vall, a painter in the style of Pere Serra who was very active in Cardona from the turn of the 15th century. While not generally a very innovative painter, he was able to find his own style based on the simplicity and clarity of his compositions.

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