973 48 21 01 museu@museusolsona.cat
31. 1-7
31. 1-7
31. 1-7
31. 1-7
31. 1-7

31. 1-7


Altarpiece (fragments)

Saint Peter The Apostle

  • Joan de Rua
  • Tempera on wood
  • 154 x 89 x 7 cm
  • Late 15th century – early 16th century
  • Origin: church of Santa Maria d’Ardèvol, Pinós (El Solsonès) ?

MDCS 31. 1-7

Altarpiece depicting Saint Peter, who is represented on the central panel and four side compartments by scenes from his life. Saint Peter, seated on the throne in pontifical dress and wearing the papal tiara, gives his blessing and shows the key as a sceptre. The side panels represent the miraculous catch of fish scene, the quo vadis, his crucifixion and the delivery of the keys. Although the author of the predella is the same as that of the panels, it belongs to another altarpiece. The figures represented on the predella are Saint Julian, Saint Lucia, Saint John the Baptist, Saint Michael the Archangel and Saint Mary Magdalene. The central panel depicting the figure of the Man of Sorrows is missing.

The origin of this altarpiece is not known for certain nor even if the predella is from the same altarpiece of Saint Peter. It is thought to have originated from Ardèvol, but it is also possible that it is from Biosca or Torà (La Segarra).

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