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apothecary cabinet. pallarès pharmacy

  • Carved wood and oil polychrome
  • 179 x 127 x 22.5 cm
  •  17th century
  • Origin: Farmàcia Pallarès, Solsona (El Solsonès)

MDCS 985


The decoration used on this apothecary cabinet is somewhat diverse. Each door is divided into two sections, with the top being used to represent the scene of the Annunciation: the angel is on the left while Mary is on the right. Two large vases of flowers decorate the bottom sections. In the interior, Saints Cosmas and Damian are stood with a pestle and a flask in their hands. The pestle (MDCS 728.1) bears this inscription: IOSEP K*PALLARES*APOTTIACRI*PERE MARTI PINTOR*MEFESITS. ANY 1726. There is documentary evidence dating the Pallarès pharmacy of Solsona back to the 15th century, making it one of the oldest in Catalonia.

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