973 48 21 01 museu@museusolsona.cat




  • Shell
  • 22 cm (largest pendant: 5.4 x 2 x 0.5 cm)
  • Chalcolithic
  • Origin: Cave of Aigües Vives. Brics, Olius (El Solsonès)

MDCS 1951

One hundred and sixteen pieces of polished pectuncle perforated to form a necklace or string of beads. This, along with other formats of more than two thousand disc-shaped shell beads and perforated boar tusks, diverse bone buttons with double V-shaped holes, two arrowheads with flint fins and stem, diverse copper, bronze and silver objects and numerous pottery vessels – some without embellishment and others decorated in different variants of the Bell-beaker style – comprised the grave goods of Aigües Vives that accompanied the near one hundred burials in the cave.


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