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Altar side tables

Scenes from the Bible

  • Tempera on wood
  • 95 x 83 x 4.5 cm each table
  • Late 12th century
  • Origin: church of Sant Andreu, Sagàs (El Berguedà)

MDCS 11.1: Adam and Eve, Passion of Christ and Entrance into Jerusalem

MDCS 11.2: Annunciation, Visitation, Nativity and Epiphany

This exhibit is composed of the two side tables of the altar of the church of Sant Andreu de Sagàs. The central one is conserved in the Episcopal Museum of Vic.

The two tables are divided into compartments. One depicts Adam and Eve and the imprisonment and the crucifixion of Christ, in the top panel. The bottom panel, which is damaged by a missing cut-out, shows the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.

The other table depicts the Annunciation, the Visitation, the Birth and the Dream of Saint Joseph, all in the top panel. In the bottom one, there is a figure who could be Herod, and the Epiphany.

They were brought to the museum by Bishop Riu in its early days.

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