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Altarpiece (fragment)


  • Attributed to Lluís Borrassà
  •  Tempera on panel
  • 137 x 113 x 13 cm
  • Between 1423 and 1425?
  • Origin: church of Santa Margarida del Soler de Timoneda, Lladurs (El Solsonès)


This panel is the top section of an altarpiece depicting the scene of Calvary, a regular theme observed in most Catalan Gothic altarpieces. It came from the small chapel of Santa Margarida del Soler in Timoneda, although it originally appears to have been part of the altarpiece that Lluís Borrassà commissioned in 1419 for the parish church of Sant Llorenç de Morunys. It is an example from the last creative stage of Lluís Borrassà, although it should essentially be considered a work of his workshop. In 1971, it underwent an illusionist restoration.

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