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Mural painting

Angels of the Last Judgement

  • Fresco painting
  • 400 x 432.5 x 126 cm (the entire painting)
  • Second quarter of the 13th century
  • Origin: church of Sant Pau, Casserres (El Berguedà)


Part of a burial set, these paintings were originally located in the chancel of the church of Sant Pau de Casserres.

On the intrados of the arc, we observe the angels with the trumpets of the last judgement and the representation of the Mystic Lamb. At the intersection of the bottom of the arcosolium, Christ is represented by the symbols of alpha and omega, the Sun and the Moon, and accompanied by two figures rising from their tombs. The exterior features the scene of original sin with Adam and Eve and large-sized figures of Saint Paul of Narbonne and Saint Christopher.

These paintings date from the first period of linear Gothic art and are considered one of the finest examples of the 1200 style in Catalonia.

When the museum was refurbished in 1983, the whole series was cleaned and repaired.

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