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altarpiece. Our Lady of the Rosary

  • Attributed to Pedro Fernández
  • Polychrome wood carving
  • 423 x 254 x 108.5 cm
  • 1625-1640
  • Origin: church of Sant Martí, Riner (El Solsonès)

MDCS 344


Altarpiece whose central scalloped niche features the image of Our Lady of the Rosary and, above, the Crucifixion, crowned by a pediment in two circular segments. On the side panels, in the bottom section, we can observe the scene of the Assumption on the left and the Ascension on the right. On the second level, the Crowning with Thorns and the Flagellation. On the predella: the Annunciation, the Visitation and the Birth. The lower third of the columns framing the panels depict angel heads in amongst floral ornamentation.